For Artists

We are here for artists. Feel free to join and connect with us.

In Vasari DAO, you can

  1. Apply for Vasari Grants and Exclusive to earn a production fee and publish your own NFT.

  2. Communicate with other artists, musicians, and people who love your artworks.

Are You Not Familiar With Crypto?

How to Enjoy Vasari DAO

If You Want to Apply for Vasari Grants and Vasari Exclusive,

Please contact team members! We are always ready to hear your voices through


Applying procedures of Vasari Grants and Exclusive will be publicly opened with the launch of our system. Before then, please contact directly with our team members.

Learn More

Our Vision

Vision of Vasari DAO

Our Service

Genesis NFTVasari GrantsVasari Exclusive

Our Plan

System - Phase 2RoadmapTeam and PartnersUpcoming Artists

Last updated